New adventures in the outdoors


I’ve always been and outdoors type person. Nothing extreme, but I do prefer outdoor activities versus indoor. I enjoying hiking, biking, kayaking and what will likely be a big focus here: geocaching.

With Geocaching, I started back in March 2002. The game was still very new. Within my local county, there was about a dozen caches and by end of summer I had found about eight of them.

Now, for the next couple years I played here and there with the game, but in 2005 was sidelined with health issues. That lasted until 2008 for which I had resolved the health issues but it look a while before I got interested again. However, the game had changed. The game was huge, Groundspeak became a corporate monster and most of the ideas of the game I had remembered from the beginning had changed. I still cached but by the middle of 2011 I had enough of the Grounspeak staff, the reviewers, the forum moderators and more. It was clear I wasn’t making any friends and began to see clear favoritism (like my request for cache publication being denied, then someone else getting the spot). I took a break for about a year and quarter. This nearly brings us back up to date. With a couple of things changing (and a pending possible move) I am returning to the hobby. Taking a fresh look (and likely including a username change) at the game and forgiving those from the past. Now will be caching in the modern way.

Now, as for the other stuff, well I don’t belong to any clubs, groups, etc. Pretty much a solo activity when it comes to the biking, hiking, kayaking and more.

Categories: biking, geocaching, hiking, kayaking, outdoors | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

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